Software development

Does it make sense to integrate ASP NET MVC with AngularJS?

If you’ve been paying attention to the hype, you’ve probably heard that AngularJS 2.0 is coming. While it is indeed in the works, it isn’t ready for prime-time yet, so I suggest sticking with 1.x for now. The Angular team does have a plan in place to help with the transition to 2.0 when the time comes, so your investment in the current version of Angular won’t be lost.

Here we need to manage localStorage, where we will store the token we get from the back end. Here is where the neat stuff happens that ties our whole architecture together. Remember, we previously created a REST service controller in MVC 5 ASP .NET that we can call to fetch data. The controller, in turn, calls our repository, which calls the database. We’re going to call that REST interface from the client’s web browser to fetch data for our view.

  • So I will try to complete it and post the github link to my complete solution.
  • The Angular router interprets the URL and routes to that page and hero.
  • Visual Studio 2015 Preview comes with new ASP.NET 5 templates for application development.
  • In this blog post, I explain how to setup your ASP.NET 5 project.

The MovieAngularJSApp project contains a special folder named The idea here is that the folder should contain all of the content of your live website. For example, it includes any HTML files and image assets required Flexible staff augmentation for uncertain times for your live website. In this blog post, I explain how to setup your ASP.NET 5 project. In particular, I explain how you can setup Grunt to combine and minify your front-end JavaScript files automatically.

To do this we will create a layout folder and put inside it the app.component files created by default. But we will also create the same files for each section of the layout like you can see in the next image. Then, app.component will be the body, head.component the header, and left-panel.component the menu. Is a software architect specializing in ASP.NET web applications, particularly ASP.NET MVC. He has over a decade of experience in building (and testing!) web applications. He’s an avid practitioner of Test-Driven Development, creating both the SpecsFor and SpecsFor.Mvc frameworks. He has served as the lead developer on numerous multi-million dollar software projects and enjoys finding elegant solutions to difficult problems.

Quick Start

You will be using .NET Framework 4.7.1, and you should have the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 installed. Also, you should have Node and npm installed since you will use Angular tools that require Node and npm. If you want to follow along with this article, you can clone the master branch from Github or download it from here. If you just want to see the finished project, you can clone the finished branch, or download the finished app from here.

asp net 5 angularjs

Hi I already started learning MVC few months ago, I started a personal project, a Web app with MVC5 Code Firts. EF, Bootstrap and I was thinking the time to migrate to ASP.Net Core, Angular and Material is now that i have not advance too much. I already have functionlities like drag and drop for Attachments, Drop down Calendars, Modal Panels for partial Views for my basic CRUD actions. I will have to learn all over again and delay the project to learn Material. It is a good practice to use dependency injection to move among different projects. This will help us to communicate between controllers and mappers, mappers and services, and services and repositories.

The Repositories Project

You can check out your progress in the View | Output window (provided you change the dropdown list at the top of the window to Bower/npm). Your next step is to let Node.js populate a node_modules folder in your project directory with the JavaScript files you need (this folder doesn’t need to be added to your project). This process is driven by the entries in a package.json file that must be part of your project. To add that file, right-click on your project and select Add | New Item to display the Add New Item dialog. In the dialog, select an npm Configuration File and click the Add button. Once the file is added, paste the text in Listing 1 into the file.

  • The initConfig() is responsible for configuring the plugins.
  • The piece of code that calls the base DbContext class is used to set up the connection string.
  • This will help us to communicate between controllers and mappers, mappers and services, and services and repositories.
  • If the token is in localStorage then it will be appended inside the header, but if not, we will just set the JSON format.

After the name of each package, we’ve specified the version of the package that we need. In particular, you want to create a folder in the root of your MovieAngularJSApp project named Scripts. You’ll create all of your app’s JavaScript files in the Scripts folder. We’ll use Grunt to combine and minify the JavaScript files in the Scripts folder and add the result to the folder automatically.

Listing 2 shows what you need in that file to configure your Angular 2 application (again, I’m not saying everything in this file is necessary). The first one is used to load each of the Grunt plugins that we need from the NPM packages that we configured earlier. The initConfig() is responsible for configuring the plugins. The Uglify plugin is configured so that it combines and minifies all the files from the Scripts folder and generate the result in a file named app.js within folder.

Creating the Configuration File

The first one will fetch all JoggingRecords from the database. In your applications, you will probably want some kind of paging and filtering. The second endpoint will fetch individual JoggingRecords instances based on the id parameter that the client will pass to the API. That parameter will match the Id in JoggingRecords table in the database. AngularJS has a lot of potential, the best of which can be utilized while developing any web application, a single page application in particular.

I configured NPM and Grunt so that my app specific JavaScript files will be combined and minified automatically. In the next blog post, I’ll explain how you can create AngularJS templates that display movies retrieved from MVC 6 Web API. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to use Grunt to combine and minify your JavaScript files.

The AddMvc () method indicates the use of MVC 6 for the application. Open bower.json and specify the Angular.js Framework information with version no. In this article, we will be using ASP.NET 5 for developing a business application which will make use of SQL Server Database, EntityFramework 7.0.0 beta, Angular.js, etc. Next, we will create view by using which we will display employee data. And click on OK, OK will close the windows and will create a new MVC 5.0 project template. At this point we will only be focusing on GET methods to retrieve data.

  • I also recommend reading the official page to understand which browsers are supported and what a polyfill is.
  • One of the keys to a successful upgrade is to do it incrementally, by running the two frameworks side by side in the same application, and porting AngularJS components to Angular one by one.
  • For example, you can use Grunt to compile your Less or Sass files into CSS.
  • You can then navigate to that folder using File Explorer and open the application using something like Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio 2015 Community.

We could install that package, which would automatically add the AngularJS library to our application. But, going forward, the ASP.NET team wants us to leverage other package managers for client-side tools and frameworks, not NuGet. (Remember, Visual Studio ships with support for Bower and NPM. The community is moving away from Bower, and I personally prefer npm, so we’ll use this instead of Bower). We could do all this from the command-line or with another editor, such as VS Code, but we’ll stick with the full-blown IDE.

Database Scripts

The second parameter is an empty[] array in “angular.module(‘myFormApp’, [])” method. The new attributes “ng-app”, “ng-model” are AngularJS directives, and the “” is expression. AngularJS is a client-side JavaScript MVC-Based framework. AngularJS as “Angular” or “Angular.js” was initially released in 2009, which goal to enhanced Node js vs PHP: Which is better for web development the development process and testing. In this topic we will overview on AngularJS, after getting an overview we will create an ASP.NET MVC application with implementing AngularJS (v1.4.8). So we have implemented User name check using AngularJS, ASP.NET MVC and Web API. We can change the look n feel based on our need.

Under the Visual C# templates, select ASP.NET Web Application and name the new project “MovieAngularJSApp”. This question is unique because it involves migrating a server-side rendered AngularJS .Net Application – Not client-side to Angular 8. I have heard of Angular Univeral which does (but uses Node.js) just that but I want to know other options and if a hybrid approach is a possibility. ManekTech is a well-known software development and IT consulting company, providing custom software, website, and mobile app development services.

Right-click your MovieAngularJSApp project and select Add, New Item. Right-click your MovieAngularJSApp project and select the menu option Add, New Item. The full code of this article can be downloaded from the Github repository. The ASP.NET Core MVC part of the project can be compiled and executed from the command line or using the code editor. When you need to open the project again, open the FullStackApp.sln file; both parts of the project will be opened and displayed in the Solution Explorer window. @georgeawg is a side by side upgrade a possibility in this scenario?

To check that, open Visual Studio and select Help | About Microsoft Visual Studio from the menu to determine if your version matches mine. If you don’t have Update 3, use Tools | Extensions from the menu, go to Updates and apply Update 3. Ng-model – their duty is to bind the view into the model where other directives like textarea, input, or selecting requirement. DNC tutorials on ASP.NET may not all be geared towards new developers.

The angular.module() function call is used to create, register, and retrieve modules in AngularJS. All modules, including those shipped by the AngularJS team and third party libraries, should be registered using the angular.module() function. Unlike previous versions of ASP.NET, MVC and Web API controllers used the same controller base class. Since Web API is now part of MVC 6 then we can start creating Web API controllers because we already pulled the required NuGet packages for MVC 6 and configured MVC 6 in startup.cs. NuGet manages .NET packages such as Entity Framework, ASP.NET MVC and so on.

Yet, this does not get ASP.NET MVC technology to its end. It’s very nice to hear that you have planned to make a serie on ASP.NET MVC 5. I believe it’s been a little long since any series on MVC 5 were made by anyone. I hope you will expand the serie by having a part where users can login and update data.

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